Science Studies Eastern Style: From Naukoznawstwo to Naukoznavstvo and Back

PhDr. Mgr. Jan Jakub Surman (Masarykův ústav a Archiv AV ČR, v. v. i.)


In the 20th century science has become one of the leading societal forces, leading many scholars to proclaim the beginning of the science society. When the Cold War divided the world with the Iron Curtain - as semipermeable it turned out to be to scientific knowledge - different models of society, paired with different ideas of science, produced also different ideas of how to investigate science and in best scenario regulate its development. These models were from thevery beginning closed, and J.D. Bernal can be seen as a founding father of science studies in both East and West, with significant local variations based on historical traditions. In my talk I will analyse how science studies circulated across the globe, concentrating on the Central Europe. I will show which alliances it entered and how these alliances then influenced further circulations. Heroes of my story come from three different countries - Czechoslovakia, Poland and Soviet Ukraine, allowing me to demonstrate local manifestations of a global phenomena and their inter-relations.